Conceived and written by

Ricky Marson & Merideth Kaye Clark


Originally created as a musical web-series, Girl Robot was written and filmed as nine episodes outlining her story from creation to meeting her creator.

Girl Robot is currently in development to be adapted from the screen to the stage. Contact for further information.

A flash of silver, a streak of blonde, a laugh from hell...

...that's not any old girl, that's Girl Robot! Girl Robot is the outlandish story of an advanced robot prototype that, due to a laboratory accident, gets programmed as a female and must learn to function in the world as both a girl and a robot. Follow along as she blunders through an array of tasks in order to help her become the first creature to possess both artificial intelligence and feminine intuition. Along the way, she discovers the wonder and the heartbreak of being alive and the dilemma of being one of a kind.

contact: for more info!

You can now listen to Girl Robot wherever you stream music!